Friday, May 28, 2010
Vote for my entry in the 2010 Professional Photographer Magazine Cover Contest

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Playing in the sun { Dayton, Ohio Child Photographer }
I found the field that made my heart go pitter pat. Unfortunately, I didn’t get around to playing in it until yesterday. The beautiful yellow flowers had partially wilted and lost their vibrant color. It was no longer bushy golden goodness. Regardless, I put the girls in their sundresses and plopped them in the field. I had to fiddle with one before I went to bed, even though it’s after 3am. What is wrong with me??
After looking at this picture, I realized there’s nothing wrong with me. It’s just my baby girls and their gorgeous pictures that make me too giddy to go to bed. This is my sweet little Keira. Carly’s will come tomorrow today after some much needed sleep. Hopefully, they won’t get me up too early.
Here’s Carly. My baby.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Senior Session { Dayton, Ohio Senior Portrait Photographer }
Uhm, wow. I just had one of the easiest sessions in my life. Not once did I ever have to bribe him with an M&M, promise him we’d go to Dairy Queen when we were done. I didn’t have to beg, plead, or throw a tantrum for him to look at me or follow directions. Wow! I guess they do get easier as they get older, huh? LOL
Sean was wonderful. Willing to try just about anything and followed directions to a tee. I loved his props and great idea. I thoroughly enjoyed our session. I think we got some perfect shots so I had to share a few. I hope you like them!
The biggest challenge was finding the sweet spots and using the available light. Fabulous Sean! Lots more to come so I hope you like ‘em!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Curls galore { Dayton, Ohio Child Photographer }
Not to be outdone by his sisters, Colton wanted his picture taken. Ok, ok, I admit……I bribed him into it. But that’s neither here nor there. Hehee.
I have to tell you that he is mistaken for a girl all the time. I honestly can’t figure it out because he just LOOKS like a boy. Especially when he’s dressed in blue, brown, black, gray, etc. with surfboards, guitars, baseballs, and eagles on his shirts. I mean, seriously people…..just because he has insanely blonde curly hair doesn’t mean he’s Nelly Olsen. I just showed my age, didn’t I?
Ok, I’ve got that off my chest now. I feel better. Here’s my little man in all his glory.
I’ll add more later. Off to fix lunch for the kidlets.
Here’s more! I love this one….reminds me of the close-up dog pictures. Hehehe.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sisters: The Story { Dayton, Ohio Child Photographer }
I don’t have a sister and I must admit, I’m a bit jealous of those who do. I can only imagine how wonderful it is to have a constant confidante, a companion, and a friend while growing up. And growing old.
I enjoy watching Keira and Carly develop their relationship as they grow. I have seen it blossom into quite a friendship. They know what ticks each other off (and often push those buttons intentionally!), play together and alone, share food, and need each other for naptime and bedtime. But the most amazing thing is their unique language. It is a silent connection, an uncanny way of knowing what is going on with the other without a single word being spoken. It’s just a look, but you can literally SEE it as it happens. Wow!
I was fortunate enough to capture it on film today. Watch the story unfold.
I asked the girls to smile. They both looked at me, annoyed but both gave me a fake “cheese”.
I said “oh come on, you can do better than that!” and they looked at each other.
This was the moment. Instantly, they knew that BOTH had given me a pathetic smile and it cracked them up.
And then I got real smiles from both of them. :) I love it.
Here’s a P.S. just because I adore it. :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Baby Girl C Sneak Peek { Dayton, Ohio Newborn Photographer }
Oh wow. I just can’t even say anything more but wow. This little princess was a doll! Slept almost the entire time she was here, curled up nicely, posed like a lady, and smiled a few times. Of course, I missed them because they were right when I was walking towards her to reposition her. Silly girl!
And her family? I can’t say enough nice things. Miss R was so polite and well behaved. It’s time like these that make me realize I’m the only mom of a 3 year old that’s out of control. Hehehee! Dad was very sweet, gentle spoken and obviously in love with his little girls. And Leah, I do not think you’re hicks! :) That brings us to Mom….seriously? Stunning! I’m really getting tired of all these stylin’ hot post-partum mommas. :)
Ok so on to the sneak peek. In order, here’s Miss R!
Mom and Dad. Wow, right? What did I tell you???
And last but not least, Miss C. The star of tonight’s shoot. What a doll!
For real. Beautiful people. Thanks for the fun shoot, you guys! I’ll talk to you soon! I hope you enjoy the pictures. :)
Baby Girl K Sneak Peek { Dayton, Ohio Newborn Photographer }
Little Miss K came to play with me today, along with her big sister, Mommy and Daddy. What a sweetie pie! She was wide awake for over 2 hours and ate about 5 times. Poor Mom and Dad were exhausted. I just knew we’d hit a sleep cycle soon if we were patient enough. Miss K fell asleep and I got about 5 minutes to capture some sleeping portraits. I wish I would have had more time with her, but I completely understood that at this stage in the game, all everyone wants is sleep. Well, everyone except Miss K. :) I hope you enjoy the sneak peek.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Ohio Boudoir Photographer | It’s a GIVEAWAY!!!
Woohoo!!! I love free stuff and I am so excited to offer my very first Giveaway! One lucky winner will receive a FREE 1.5 hour boudoir session from Lynne Bingham Photography. That's a prize worth $150!!!!
Just think of the look on his face when you give him his very own leather bound boudoir album of his favorite girl. Imagine the fun afterwards!!
So, you wanna know how you can get signed up to win this fabulous offer?? It's easy! You have up to five chances to win!!! To enter, all you have to do is:
1) Become a Fan of Lynne Bingham Photography. Click LIKE up top. Easy!
2) Subscribe to the Lynne Bingham Photography newsletter. You can find the link on my blog.
3) Refer a friend to Lynne Bingham Photography.
4) Leave me some blog love!
Lastly, 5) answer this question on my Facebook Fan Page:
"What makes you feel sexy?"
Make sure you reply to this note ON MY FACEBOOK FAN PAGE. Reply separately for each entry. So, if you did three things…..reply THREE times or you don’t get each entry. Simple!!! That's it! Now....are you ready? Set?.....GO!!!!
Here's the legal mumbo jumbo. Winner will be required to purchase a leather boudoir album with the portraits provided from free session. Pricing for albums can be found here. Winner must book session within 2 weeks of winning the giveaway (by June 15th, 2010). All sessions are done at 7:30pm Monday through Friday. Email me at lynne@lynnebinghamphotography.com for more details!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Ohio Newborn Photographer | Perfect baby girl
I had the pleasure of playing with Miss B and her gorgeous family today. It was no wonder she was a beauty. Stunning Mommy and cutie pie Daddy. BTW, who looks that good 6 days after having a baby?? SOOOO not fair!
Anyway, Miss B wasn’t quite ready to sleep when they first arrived, so visiting was very fun! After a good meal, a nice warm blanket, and swing in mommy’s arms, she was ready to go. It didn’t take long to rock the camera. She was an angel! Highly photogenic and she initiated Daddy (not me! LOL).
I couldn’t help but take a look at them and edit a few for a sneak peek. It was such an honor to experience this moment with you. Thank you so much J & T. I hope you like them. More to come soon. :)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Ohio Child Photographer | Red head temper
My mom has red hair, my grandma has red hair, my brother has red hair…..in fact, a large majority of my family has red hair. I don’t, but I still have the temperament. :) Here’s Miss Kaitlyn showing us her red head temper and complete distaste for photography right now. Hehee. She cheered up shortly afterwards. Cheerios are the bomb! More pictures to come tomorrow.
Ohio Children Photographer | Pettiskirts, sunshine, and water
What more can a girl ask for? Your sister, maybe. But that’s about all a girl needs when you’re 2 and 3 years old. Okay, okay……maybe some raisins and other sneaky treats. But truly….that’s about it.
These little sweeties thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful weather and purple fountain. They definitely gave Mom and I a run for our money. It’s a good thing that they’re absolutely adorable in the pettiskirts.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Ohio Photographer | Storm’s-a-brewing people
Wow, what a night. The day was gorgeous and not a breeze in the air. After the kids went down to bed, the sky clouded over within seconds and the wind blew like a train whistle: loud and powerful. Our children’s lawn toys went flying through the neighborhood (such a sight to see). We finally retrieved everything and I was able to take a moment to capture the sky. Insane.