Saturday, July 31, 2010

Modeling Portfolio { Dayton, Ohio Photographer }

I had the pleasure of working with Miss Jennifer, who is hoping to start a modeling career. We went downtown Dayton and found some great urban locations. We also met Muddy Water’s self-proclaimed daughter. :) Sorry, I had to throw that in there. For those of you who weren’t there, it’s an inside joke. I apologize.

Jennifer was a doll to be around and I’m honored that she and her family chose me to help make her portfolio. Here’s a sneak peek of our session. I hope you enjoy them and fingers crossed that if she makes it big, she remembers me. Hehee.


Friday, July 30, 2010

It’s GIVEAWAY time!! FREE Family session from Lynne Bingham Photography!

You didn't think I forgot about it, did you? Nah, I just tend to talk a lot. Those of you who know me well know that's a very accurate statement and you might even be giggling at the sarcasm. :) Yep, this month I've decided to giveaway a Family Session Fee as well as some discounted products. A value of over $209!! So what's the catch? I currently have 295 fans on my Facebook fan page. I'm greedy....I want at least 5 more. There's just something about that 300 number. More would be awesome, I love the exposure!! So starting today and until August 14th, refer a friend to "like" my fan page. Your friend must tell me who referred him/her. They literally must write something on my wall with your name on it. Very simple. By doing so, YOU are automatically entered and THEY are automatically entered. Refer 10 friends and you are entered 10 times. If you wanna win, get my name out there and make your friends LIKE me. Doesn't that sound pathetic? LOL

Winner will be announced on August 15th by 9:00 a.m. EST. To be fair, I can only offer this fantastic deal to those living in the Dayton, Ohio area or to those who are willing to travel to the Dayton, Ohio area. You may not qualify if you have won previously in the last 60 days. Sorry, Janet. :)

Legal mumbo jumbo. The winner will be required to set up their complimentary session within 2 weeks of being notified that they are the winner. Once the session has been completed, the winner is required to purchase a 10x10 hinged album with custom cover designed by Lynne Bingham Photography. The album will include all the pictures from the session and is discounted 40% to the price of $202 for the winner only. All additional a la carte purchases will be discounted 25%. The following pictures are samples of the 10x10 hinged album with custom cover.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sneak Peek #2 { Washington Courthouse, Ohio Senior Photographer }

I can’t even begin to tell you how difficult it has been to narrow down the pictures from the shoot. I have deemed so many photos “worthy” of editing that there’s just truly no way I could do them all. If I did, my site would become the ‘Haleigh’ blog. I’m trying to be VERY picky but it’s so difficult when almost every picture is great. So, either I’m da bomb or she’s pretty darn awesome. How ‘bout a bit of both? :)

P.S. The picture of Haleigh in front of the truck is a special one for her dad. Mom jokingly requested that the tavern sign be in the portrait to make her daddy proud. LOL I did my best to oblige.

P.P.S. I love how you can see me in her eyes in the last picture.



Senior Session: Miss Haleigh rocked it { Washington Courthouse, Ohio Senior Photographer }

Stunning girl. Easy-going and pretty much did whatever I asked. Mom and sister tagged along and were such a great help. I love those kinds of shoots! There was a lot of cat-calling goin’ on ‘round these parts. I’d love to say that I turned a head or two, but I’m no dummy. Standing next to Haleigh and her just as beautiful sister, somehow it was apparent that the whistles were not for me. :)This is just a few sneak peeks because I don’t have all the pictures off the card. LOL Trust me when I tell you there will be another sneak peek tomorrow! :) Here’s Miss Haleigh. Enjoy!

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

I take good pictures, Amy and Angie said so { I Heart Faces challenge winners }

kiss2 This photo was submitted to the I Heart Faces “Over My Head” challenge and was recognized as an honorable mention. I take that to be a very high honor. Thank you so much! It really made my day to see my portrait in the line up. I also enjoyed all the positive feedback that I received from the random blog love.  This site is a wonderful resource for photographers and those just starting out. Thank you I Heart Faces!I_Heart_Faces_Fav_good

Friday, July 23, 2010

I Heart Faces Fix-it Friday { Dayton, Ohio Child Photographer }

I’ve recently become a fan of I Heart Faces. I have started submitting my pictures to their weekly challenges and have decided that as long as I have extra time (hahahahhaaa), I will attempt their Fix-It Friday photo editing fun. It’s always good to keep your skills in check, practice, and learn new ways to edit. You can check out other people’s edits and read how they did it. Really fun way to learn! I chose to edit it twice, once in color and once in black and white. I prefer black and white but some people really like color portraits. I’m using Photoshop CS5 Extended.

Anyway, here’s the original posted on I Heart Faces:


My first edit: 


My second edit:


How I did it. I know you’re all dying to know. :)

Edit #1:

Slight decrease in curves
Increase the mids in levels
Curves layer at 35% opacity
Gradient map 25% opacity
Dirty texture added, girls masked back
Green texture added, girls masked back
Hue/sat, decrease yellows
Cropped and burned edges

Edit #2

Using previous edit, Gradient map
Curves, pop shadows
Burned edges and girls

Thanks for looking. Very easy editing process, but made such a difference from the original, which btw, is a great capture! Feel free to ask any questions. But most importantly, let me know what you think!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Munchkins x 3 { Dayton, Ohio Child Photographer }

I’m waiting for the day that all three of my kids will sit still, look at the camera, and smile pretty. However, I know that I’ll tend to see the fake “cheese” smiles as well so for now, I’m content with the off-chance, ‘woohoo they’re looking at me’, and ‘I can’t believe I got that shot’ picture. I doubt I’ll ever be lucky enough to get all three in one picture unless we tie them down. Of course, that just might be worth a try. :) Here they are being themselves: ornery, dramatic, and nosey. Hehee.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Curly Q { Kettering, Ohio Child Photographer }

It wasn’t just the humidity that made his hair curly, but it definitely made ‘em more noticeable. :) Mr. G. wasn’t into getting his picture taken, but he did fall in love with my tricycle. I was afraid it would be in every picture. I was fortunate enough to get a few without it. Here’s a sneak peek. Enjoy!


Monday, July 19, 2010

I Heart Faces “Over My Head” Challenge { Dayton, Ohio Boudoir Photographer }

When I saw the challenge for I Heart Faces this week, I immediately knew the picture I wanted to use. I had a “LOVE” session this week and when it rained on us, we went back to the studio for some couple’s boudoir. Nothing like a little steamy make out session to make a rainy day fun. :) So, here’s my “Over My Head” submission.


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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Little men and their beautiful Mommy { Oakwood, Ohio Child Photographer }

As promised, Janet (the winner of Lynne Bingham Photography’s first Boudoir Giveaway!!) came back for some family pictures. She and her little men, B and W, were a joy! What a bundle of energy her babies have!! We tried out a new location and had a great time with absolutely delicious lighting. Thanks Janet!! Here’s your preview. I hope you enjoy them! :)


Friday, July 16, 2010

Couple’s session and then a little more { Dayton, Ohio Boudoir Photographer }

For those of you who follow my blog, my work, or are just a friend of family member of mine…..then you’ll know that this chic is one of the first launching faces of Lynne Bingham Photography’s boudoir site. Carrie was gracious enough to take a chance on a new photographer and enjoyed the experience so much that she came back for more. And now that she’s in a relationship, she brought him with her. Hubba hubba.

Just a few pictures to preview what to expect with a couple’s boudoir. Don’t we all wish we were looked at this way, touched in this manner, laugh together, and adored from the side. It’s obvious in these pictures. Lucky little lady. Sensuous, seductive, sexy. Whoa!

More to come, I’m still behind in my sessions, but I wanted to get a few of these up since they have been so patient. And willing to do anything! I love those people. :)


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy Birthday! { Dayton, Ohio Child Photographer }

It may not appear that they had fun, but let me tell you…..they had a blast! As you can see from the picture, it was a Japanese theme for my baby girls’ second birthday. And my thirty--ahem-mfuffmlemth birthday. :) They were full of smiles, just not when I bring out the camera. It’s the typical ‘child of a photographer’ syndrome. Anyway, I don’t have time to go through all the pictures but I had to post one of them to commemorate the day. Happy Birthday to my little girls (who are not babies, anymore…*sniff, sniff*) and Happy Birthday to me!! Now, who’s taking me to SAKE????? Hehee.


Saturday, July 10, 2010

All smiles! { Arcanum, Ohio Child Photographer }

Oh, Mr. C, how I love your smile. I have been photographing Mr. C since he was born. The last two sessions, he has avoided giving me the smiles on film. We usually use them all up right before the camera comes out. But not this time. Oh, Mr. C was all smiles and a bag of chips. Or should I say, a bunch of grapes? :) I love this age.
