Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lil’ bit of this, lil’ bit of that { West Carrollton, Ohio Family Photographer }

I love this family. Really. I’m not just saying that. They’re like an extension of my own family. A lil’ crazy. A lot o’ fun. A lil’ crazy. Oh wait….I already said that. :) Hehee. Oh well….it’s true. But that’s what draws you in! I always get a work out with family sessions and this was no exception. Kids are just not into pictures as much as adults are. The funny thing is before we got started, she was staring at me and saying “Cheese!”. Yeah…and then we went for the real deal and forget it. No looks, no smiles, no nada. Ha! Thankfully, I managed to snag a few. I hope you enjoy the preview. :)


Hahaha! I love his face in this picture. He’s like “Oh for pete’s sake….another picture? Haven’t you taken enough already?” ROFL I love you Brandon!


Stylish Senior Session { Miamisburg, Ohio Senior Photographer }

Senior sessions are a blast! They’re always in such a great mood, lots to smile about, optimistic about the future, and maybe it’s just that I feel like I got off the fashion train years ago (I hate being old! LOL) but uhh….hello?! Can you say awesome clothes? Wow! I’d love to be able to throw anything on and look fantabulous in it. Oh, to be young and hip again. :)

Here’s a preview of my latest senior session. Yes, this is the one whose Dad thought it was funny to say he thought he saw a snake in the grass and then throw something in that direction to make the grass move. Needless to say, it scared the bejeezus out of her and me. So not cool. At least I wasn’t the only one screaming like a little girl. Hehee.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Papa-papa-paparazzi { Dayton, Ohio Wedding Photographer }

Yes, the Lady Gaga song rings in my head every time I pull this lens out. For those of you who don’t know (and no worries….I didn’t either just a few short months ago), this is a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L II IS USM Telephoto Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Camera. It’s a mouthful. And a handful. Trust me when I tell you, this is an absolutely massive lens. It weighs 5.4 lbs. and is almost the size of the wine bottle. Whoa! It probably doesn’t sound like much, but seriously…there are babies born that weigh less than this thing.

Once you add it to my 5D Mark II, grip, and 580exii speedlight (which in total is another 8lbs.), it’s like carrying a small toddler. On your face! Over 13 lbs. ON YOUR FACE. Think about that for a second. Imagine taking a 6 month old and holding it up to your face for an hour minimum. Up and down. Up and down. Now, bend and find the right angle. Or get down on the ground. Find the light. Oops, not that much light. There ya go.  *Shudder* Brutal. As God as my witness, I will be able to use this lens without cramping, shaking, or tiring out in 15 minutes. Granted, I may have to start a weight lifting routine in order to do it. :) Ha!


JMK { Dayton, Ohio Child Photographer }

Sometimes I get caught up in photographing clients that it slips my mind why I got into photography to begin with. I wanted to document the important things of my kids’ lives. I wanted to capture all those little moments. I wanted visual proof of their budding personalities. Sometimes, day to day life gets in the way and I forget. Then I see something and I gotta just stop what I’m doing, pick up the camera, and capture my kids being….well, kids. Silly, loud, messy kids. :) These pictures may not be technically correct, but I’ll always have mommy-goggles on so they’re perfect in my eyes.

Thumbs up! I love how Colton has to look at his hand to make sure he’s doing it right. Hehehe.


And let’s not forget his shadow, Carly. She does everything he does.


And then there’s my Keira. She marches to the beat of a different drum. But I love her just the same. :)


Saturday, September 25, 2010

School Pictures are a hit! { Dayton, Ohio Children Photographer }

Here’s a preview of some of the school pictures I’ve been working on. I tell ya….some of these kids are just plain model-esque. We were never that way when I was a kid. We had ratty hair (ok….rat tails, too!), half of us had a mullet, a Madonna gap, and horrid hand-me-down clothes from our older cousins. Did I just show my age? Eek!

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Mr. Man who was completely unable to NOT fake smile. Until of course, you called him out on it. Then he would smile the most gorgeous smile while he explained why he couldn’t give a genuine smile. LOL


Friday, September 24, 2010

What to wear and a FREEBIE { Dayton, Ohio Family Photographer }

I have lots of family sessions coming up. The changing of the seasons from hot to cool air compounded with the colors of the leaves is a fabulous time for family portraits. One of the most common questions I have is “What should we wear?” My first and foremost answer, avoid all one color….especially white, black, or khaki. Yawn….boring! For the love of Pete, give your portraits some LIFE! Take a moment and reflect on your family. What are their personalities? Are they carbon copies? All white T’s and jeans? Everyone black shirt and khakis? Nope. So why try to make a family portrait that way?

Everyone is different, but you compliment each other. Your clothes should mimic this concept. Find a color palette that fits the portraits you want, compliments each other, and incorporate individual personalities. Don’t forget to accessorize. Shoes, bows, jewelry. The little details are very important. Choose articles of clothing that have texture such as ruffles, denim, corduroy and mix ‘em up. Dress it up…why be all casual? When you look great, you feel great and THAT comes across in your pictures.

Even giving these tidbits are often not enough. I still get people who have no idea where to begin. So, here are some visual ideas for fall family sessions. How perfect is this? :)


Now for the freebie. I will give a complimentary $50 print credit to the first family that books a ‘50’s inspired session in the month October and agrees to use the clothes (or similar) posted above. I fully expect the entire get-up…..clothes, jewelry, shoes, hairstyles, etc. Just email me at to schedule your session. Freebie is limited to one family. First paid session fee gets the deal. Who’s it gonna be??? :)

Matthew and Angelika’s Wedding { Dayton, Ohio Wedding Photographer }

Just a bit more of a preview from Matthew and Angelika’s wedding. They are such a fun-loving couple. Never a dull moment and always up for anything. I couldn’t have asked for more. I had a fantabulous time at their wedding. Here’s a few of my favorites (and that was hard to do!):

Boys will be boys. This is the groomsmen and groom before the ceremony. Classic.


Their first look was in private. Just me and them. What an emotionally charged moment.


The last moments before they became Mr. and Mrs.


Walking down the aisle, getting that first look at the guests, the bridal party, the ceremony.


Formals were at a different location and I’m sure everyone thought I was insane for choosing an abandoned building. But I loved the wild vines and worn down brick. It made them even more stunning.

In case you couldn’t tell by now, I love feet pictures. :)


The bridesmaids and bride. Gorgeous, huh?


The bridal party going all Vogue. They were fantastic!


The bride and groom sneaking a lil’ sugar.


The best man’s toast at the wedding.


Whew….what a ride! I hope they enjoyed their day and have many more happy days to come. Congratulations Matthew and Angelika!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mangino Wedding Preview { Dayton, Ohio Wedding Photographer }

What a whirlwind day! One I won’t soon forget. :) She was a gorgeous bride and once the dress went on, she definitely put you in mind of a Barbie Doll! And he was cool, calm, and collected unlike any groom I’ve ever met. Maybe it was the shot of vodka that my husband took him out for. LOL Of course, no wedding day goes perfectly and this one was no exception. But I have to say that I think they both handled the issues gracefully and at the end of the day, we had a gorgeous husband and wife. I feel so honored to have been a part of their special day. I wish you both nothing but happiness and love. This is just a small preview of what’s to come.


Here’s a few cute ones from the photo booth at the reception. It was such a hit!


And a shot of the photographers with the bride and groom. Special thanks to Lorie Heagerty for being such a FANTABULOUS assistant at the photo booth. Lorie, you’re a rock star!
