Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter { Union, OH Child Photographer }

My little ones are at the age that they want to choose what they wear. Sometimes, it isn’t pretty. I have to embrace the fact that they are growing up and making their own decisions. And I will have to accept that every decision they make will not be the right one or one I approve of.

Here’s an example of their independent thinking. Happy Easter!

Colton, my main man. He definitely marches to the drummer of a different beat. I love it!


Keira, my pretty girl. Loves dressing up and lets me do her hair. Momma’s lil girly-girl.


And then there’s Carly. She refuses to conform to the twin thing anymore. No more dressing alike, no more doing the same things, no more matching colors, nothing. So, it’s all her decisions when it comes to clothes. Sigh. There are no words.


Friday, April 22, 2011

A little lady and her baby brother { Dayton, Ohio Child Photographer }

I had the pleasure of meeting the stinkin’ cutest little girl today and she is a brand new big sister to a sweet baby boy. She was quite proud of her baby brother Nathan…and who wouldn’t be? He’s adorable and that smile will make you melt. Oh, and let me tell you, she is a diva in the making. And I LOVED it!! Thank you so much for playing “bug-a-bug-a” with me, Elyse. I think you’re the best “bug-a” evah! I hope you’re having fun with your new baby brother.

Enjoy the sneak peek!


Oh, and just for fun. Here’s my favorite blooper. :) Isn’t she a doll?


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I call her Aniston { Dayton, Ohio Portrait Photographer }

And it’s just because I think she bears a striking resemblance to Jennifer Aniston, not because I don’t know her name. Oddly enough, it is Jennifer. LOL It has been beautiful outside and while the sun was VERY bright last night, the wind was quite chilly. She was a trooper, though. And I’m so happy she was because the sunset was perfection.

Here’s another of Scott’s sessions. I’m pretty darn proud of him. I’ve been putting the pressure on him and he keeps delivering. I knew there was a reason why I married him. :)

Enjoy the sneak peek!


Saturday, April 9, 2011

3 years and 3 months { Dayton, OH Child Photographer }

Yep, these little guys should look familiar. Mr. B is 3 years old and Mr. G is 3 months old. I can’t believe how quickly these little ones grow up. I feel like they were just here in the studio!! Well, Mr. B and I had a great time playing with Optimus Prime and Spiderman while Mr. G saved all his smiles for someone else. What’s up with that, G?!

I took a few of them together trying to get baby boy to lay on big brother’s tummy. Uhhh, not happenin’. He’s just at the stage of tummy time that the head instantly pops up. Yes, it bobbles, but never lands. In fact, if you wait too long then it’s cranky time. The best part was Mr. B did NOT like that Mr. G drooled on him. Umm…eww! Hahahaa! B, you’re awesome!

Here’s a small sneak peek to enjoy. Dontcha just LOVE the baby drool?


Friday, April 8, 2011

Two-timer { Miamisburg, Ohio Portrait Photographer }

Here we go again! It was Scott’s second shoot and he exceled by leaps and bounds from his initiation shoot on Wednesday. Again, he was in charge of the shoot but I went along for moral support and just a tad bit of direction. I knew what he needed help on so I constantly asked about it during the shoot. I’m a bit controlling, it’s ok. I’ve embraced that side of myself. Now, if Scott would, we’d be great! :)

Kaelynn was FABULOUS! Stinkin’ gorgeous girl with great style and a complete natural in front of the camera once the jitters go away. :) Thanks for playing with us!

Enjoy the sneak peek!


This last picture is my absolute favorite of the shoot. She kinda puts you in mind of Gabrielle Union in this shot, doesn’t she? B E A U T I F U L!!!!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Scott’s Debut { Middletown, OH Portrait Photographer }

Yep, I made my hubby go out on his own. These portraits are all his handiwork. Ok, so I tagged along to assist with poses and humor, but hey, I didn’t wanna miss out on the fun! Courtney and Stephen were so cute together and so super sweet! We got some fantabulous shots and found some new ROCKIN’ locations! They drove up in an FREAKIN’ AWESOME chevy truck and I so badly wanted to play with it, but alas it was not my shoot and we just ran out of time. And sunlight. Phle! Maybe next time? :)

Here’s a preview for you to enjoy!
