Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sparklin’ Senior Shoot { Washington Courthouse, Ohio Senior Photographer }

A few weeks ago we had a heat wave. Heat wave as in 104 degrees Fahrenheit with 70% humidity at 7:30 p.m. Miserable. It was so terribly hot that you would sweat while you were sitting inside the house with the air conditioner on doing absolutely nothing. Does anyone else remember this or am I completely delusion?

Well, I have slept since then so my memory isn’t quite perfect. So….I can’t quite recall how horrid it was but my DP&L bill sure does remind me. Ugh! I digress….during that monstrosity of a heat wave, I had a senior shoot. We decided to do half inside the studio and half on location at a later date. That date is here. Yay! Miss Breanna is a stunning Senior and we had so much fun with her and her mom.

Here’s a sneak peek of Take 2. Can you say gorgeous?!


We played outside until it was dark and were able to grab some fantabulous off camera flash portraits. She was a perfect model. Good God, would you look at those legs? They go on forever and a day!


And lastly, her Senior Storyboard. Breanna wanted a sparkler storyboard with her graduation date. Of course, our luck came into play. Once it got dark, we found a perfect alley to shoot the scene. Wouldn’t you know it was WINDY. And I mean Wizard of Oz insane windy. Duh!! We found a spot to light the sparklers and the lighter was dead. Ha! Found a new lighter, only to have no luck lighting the sparklers! Seriously?!

Off we go to a new location with 2 assistants lighting sparklers and FINALLY we got ‘em.


Thanks Breanna and Shelly. We had a really fun time despite all the obstacles. We hope you love the pictures!!


Friday, August 26, 2011

P is for Perfection { Union, Ohio Child Photographer }

And P is for Presley. Presley is the perfect example of a gorgeous baby girl. She just celebrated her first birthday and this was her first professional photo shoot. I personally think she did a fantabulous job at her debut, but perhaps I’m just a bit biased. :) We had such a great time playing and I’m so honored they chose me for their daughter’s pictures. Look at those eyes!

Enjoy the preview!


Friday, August 19, 2011

Return of Lady Abigail { Vandalia, Ohio Child Photographer }

Yes, it’s the return of the mack. I first met this little beauty when she was a newborn. The poor thing just wasn’t interested in sleeping. She’d catnap, but not for more than a few snaps. She had to see what was going on and not miss a thing. We got some beautiful pictures including this one:


Isn’t she a doll? Well, it gets better. Six months later, this is who shows up at my door.


Fantabulous, right?! I know!! I love her rolls!! Fast forward 6 more months (my gosh, how does that happen?!) and Lady Abigail is about to turn 1 year old. Baby girl was so stinkin’ adorable and working the camera. Yeah, she knows who the cutie pie is. :)


Blonde-haired blue-eyed beauty! Oh my, Mom and Dad are definitely in trouble with this one. : ) Enjoy the sneak peek. Until next time, my lady.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What’s goin’ on? { Waynesville, Ohio Newborn Photographer }

You know how photographers always want newborns who are 10 days old or younger? Ever wonder why? Newborns typically sleep 20 hours a day when they’re first born. Usually awake only to eat and to ask for a new diaper. Other than that, they are ultra flexible, still desiring to be curled up, and once they’re out….they are out like a light. After a few weeks though, they learn….”Hey, I’ve got lots of room here, let’s stretch these legs out” and they' start being more alert. That means we can’t bend ‘em, shape ‘em, wiggle ‘em around to get that sleepy baby pose. And everyone wants that sleepy baby pose. Sometimes we' get lucky and a 4 week old will act like a newborn and sleep through the entire session. Other times, not so much.

Well, Mr. W is 3 weeks old and we attempted a sleepy newborn session. Attempted is the key word. This Mr. Man was awake the ENTIRE session. He even followed me while I talked, only complaining when I touched him with my cold hands. Well, I’m here to tell you…I am SO glad this little man was awake. Things happen for a reason. And here is that reason.



Yeah, Mr. W. You are too cute. *Swoon* Enjoy the preview!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Fantabulous family session { Beavercreek, Ohio Family Photographer }

I had the pleasure of meeting one of the most fantastic families yesterday. We walked around and captured some beautiful images of them being….well, them! Mom was worried that the boys would be crazy, but isn’t that what makes them boys? :) I personally thought they were awesome and took direction very well. Especially after we figured out that the request of a “MANLY” pose resulted in a flawless portrait. Not to mention, would you just look at their eyes? Umm, hello? GORGEOUS!

They were so much fun, willing to do silly things for the photographer (and in my mind, that makes them exceptional!) and even sat on the steps of an abandoned house. I’m pretty sure Zach would have gone inside to look for ghosts. Hehee.

Mom and Dad were perfection. Genuine laughter and in no rush. Criteria for a superb photo shoot. Thank you so much for the opportunity to capture your family dynamics. I had a great time and I hope you enjoy the sneak peek!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Custom dress for school pictures { Union, Ohio Child Photographer }

Yeah, it’s getting to be about that time. School pictures will be pushed and again they will be those lousy cheese smile behind the crappy background of paint spackles or light sabres. Blech!! I’m starting early because I change the paint in my living room based on the color scheme I choose for the kids’ pictures, as they are the main focus in my house. This year it is Lime Green. Carly is rockin’ the Lime Green boob-tube dress complimented by turquoise and hot pink with a hint of purple here and there. I personally made each of the flowers and sewed them onto her lapel. The purple ribbon straps were added to keep the dress from falling completely off. LOL Skinny girl. Phle!

She literally just woke up from a nap when I pulled her out of the car. Here she is waking up, the details of the dress, and a beautiful portrait of Miss Carly when she realized we were taking pictures of HER! Hehehe. Thanks for watching my babies grow up.


And then the one that will adorn my wall. My baby Carly. You are my sweetness, little girl. Thank you!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Friendship *I HEART Faces* entry

Occasionally, I have a moment to read blogs and visit my favorite websites. Of course, the majority of them have to do with photography. This week’s challenge at I Heart Faces jumped at me. I had to post this picture from last year. It’s my baby girl, Carly, and my friend’s son, Logan. Other than being just the cutest picture ever, it’s huge because Carly is NOT an affectionate girly-girl. And yet, out of the blue….there she is hugging Logan. *sigh* So sweet.



Be sure to check out the other entries at I Heart Faces.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Beauty in small packages { Springboro, Ohio Newborn Photographer }

Have I ever told you how much I LOVE babies? I could snuggle with them all the time. I adore their new smell, their cute little grins (yah, yah, it’s gas, I know), their edible feet. I love it all!! I was very excited when Miss E was born. I have photographed her brother several times and it’s always been such a pleasure. He’s quite the ham and little sis bears a striking resemblance. So is she like him? I see so much of him in her pictures, but she’s definitely her own little lady. She’s got her own personality and funny faces. A lot of funny faces. : ) And a wiggle worm! It’s a good thing Mom is quick on the toes.

Big thanks to Dad for allowing P man to play with my kids without going crazy. I know they were probably very good birth control for you. Just FYI, your little princess worked her magic on me, she made me want another.

Here is Miss E’s debut! Enjoy! Ahh, baby fever is almost an awful thing to have.
