So I had a lot of people curious about my midnight session the other night. Well, it was quite a session and I enjoyed every minute of it. We called it quits about 1:30 a.m. and I couldn’t wait to see what we had on the cards.
Emily is a belly dancer in the Dayton, Ohio area. She dances on Saturday nights at Hookah Bazaar in Belmont, Ohio. Show starts at 11pm, you should definitely check her out!! Anyway, she needed a new portfolio for marketing materials. I was very excited when she contacted me. Our session was a last minute scrap-together which is why it was so late at night. Hooray for night shift workers, eh? :)
She bought a ton of elaborate outfits and we were thrilled to play with it all. I love all the fabulous colors and shimmering pieces. But my absolute fave is that last outfit. HOLY COW!! Here’s a sneak peek of the fun we had. Thanks Emily! Hope you enjoy!