Trash the Dress session. Just exactly as it sounds. Take the dress (wedding, prom, etc.) and wear it again. This time wear where you wouldn’t ever expect to see it. It’s ok if it gets dirty, if it gets wet, if it gets trashed. Wear it where it’s weird or just downright taboo. Why wear it just one day if it’s that important? And for those of you haven’t had the American wedded bliss, what’s stopping you from wearing it again and looking fantabulous in it again after the divorce? Just a thought. :)
Thanks Meghan! You were FAN-FREAKIN-TABULOUS!!! She’s a beauty!
Lynne, your photography is just gorgeous!!! Everytime I look at your pictures I am just so amazed. I wish we lived closer. I would really love for you to do maternity photos! Want to make a trip down to Texas??
Thanks, Christy!! I'd love to take a trip to Texas. What fun! And I'd be honored to take your maternity pictures. Now to talk Scott into another trip. LOL
OMG!! I love the water ones! So brave!
That's my other beautiful daughter!!!
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